Invest in Multiplying Disciples
Give Online
Thank you for your support of 1Body Church and its various ministry efforts. Use the Choose Your Designation drop-down to identify the target for your donation.
Mobile App
Text 2 Give
Text @1body to 52014
(tap above to send)
Include Donation Amount
You can add the amount of the donation before sending it.
Example: @1body 5
(tap above to send)
Designate Your Donation
At the end of your text add a hashtag followed by the designation.
Example: @1body #benevolence
(tap above to send, change designation)
Future Donations
You’ll receive a link to set up your donor information on your first attempt. The system will remember you; after your first text2give, simply include @1body and the dollar amount.
Example: @1body 10
(tap above to send, change amount)
Donate by Check
Send a check or money order payable to “1Body Church” (with desired designation target in the memo line) to:
1Body Church
Attn: Steve Schaffer
3036 W. Bearss Ave.
Tampa, FL 33618
Please use the Contact form on this page if you have any questions.