Who We Are
Our Story
We train and equip ordinary, faithful people to live out simple but profound steps in a disciple-making process that creates life and community transforming movements.

One who hears, obeys, and spreads Jesus’ commands.
Increasing greatly in number or quantity.
A common belief, identity, and practice that spreads across all boundaries.
A dramatic change at a community level.
Until the whole World knows
“And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole World as a testimony to all nations…” – Matthew 24:14
Jesus made a way for us to be reconciled to God, and by believing in Him we can have eternal life.

Christianity as usual is not working.
There’s a reason that Christianity may feel disconnected and fruitless. We’re not called to a church experience, we’re called to follow Jesus. It’s time to return to God’s design for discipleship, Church and life. Do what Jesus did, connect with others doing the same thing everywhere.
Make Disciples
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
–– Matthew 28:19-20
…but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and as far as the remotest part of the earth.
–– Acts 1:8
So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”
–– 2 Corinthians 5:20
Simple Church
We are a network of simple churches that meet in homes, businesses, coffee houses, parks … wherever people connect.
Movements result from believers pouring themselves deeply into others, equipping them to make another disciple. This creates a multiplication effect that can’t be duplicated by simply adding more people into large congregations – or even adding more large congregations.
Transforming Communities
1Body Church is a church of churches that exists to launch and grow movements of multiplying disciples and churches who transform communities until the whole world knows Jesus. We do this by connecting relationally, meeting spiritual and physical needs, and teaching others how to walk out their faith. The greatest commandments of loving God and loving others, as well as the great commission, intentionally sharing our faith, are the heartbeat of who we are and how we do things. We don’t have a building, but instead meet in homes, offices, gyms or parks in order to genuinely do life with one another and hold one another accountable to obedience in Christ. We recognize the home is the simplest expression of the church but not where it ends, so we seek to share the good news of Jesus with others whom God puts in our path.
The Bible is full of commandments and principles to live by. The Old Testament can be summed up into two: love God and love others. Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He left us with a third, to go and make disciples. In our community we seek to live out those commands. It begins with each individual abiding in Christ and in prayer. From that posture, the Holy Spirit guides us in how we can be intentional in the relationships God has given us. As we connect with these people, we are constantly looking for ways God is working in their lives and how we can join Him in the work He is doing to draw all people to Himself. Amanda is a great example of this.
Amanda met Debra on The Field as she was doing a food and clothing outreach to bless people in the community. Debra started volunteering with the outreach and began taking ownership in managing the community garden. Through Amanda’s friendship and taking opportunities to share her story of transformation, God’s story, and various stories from the Bible, Debra’s faith began to blossom. George is Debra’s neighbor. Through an ongoing relationship with Debra and connecting with Amanda every time she would come over for Bible study, George accepted Jesus as his Savior and was baptized. Now, Amanda, Debra, and George meet once a week to read the Bible. They share about how they can reach their neighbors. They talk about what's needed in the garden and what to plant in the spring. We talk about upcoming events on the field. Through Amanda’s relationship with the Father and her obedience to what He has prompted her to do, the entire community is being impacted and blessed.
In a community full of hatred, violence, substance abuse, and racism, The Field has served as a common ground, a connecting point to bring about unity with one another and connection with God. All around students are fighting each other, but on The Field they learn to work together and value one another when they play on the same soccer team. In the apartment complex they are cursing and leaving trash everywhere, but at The Field they learn to respect others around them and the property. In many homes there is verbal, sexual, and physical abuse, but on the Field there are people who give a listening ear, words of affirmation and lots of love. The Field has become a sacred space, different from everywhere else in the community. Others feel that difference, and know it’s a place for transformation, healing, and a special touch from God.
Oftentimes when we think about health, we think about the physical aspects of eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercise. But health is so much more than that. The Garage Gym serves as a space to grow in all areas of health as we connect with one another relationally, are challenged with mental toughness, dive deep into scripture and spiritual truths, and grow in strength and endurance, all happening at the same time throughout the workout. Every aspect of growth in the Garage is experiential learning. It’s not just a gym, it's a sanctuary for God’s presence to dwell and a furnace for growth as we seek to be like Jesus, growing in wisdom, stature, favor with God, and favor with man (Luke 2:52).
The need and opportunity to love one another by helping others experience economic opportunities and fruitfulness in the marketplace is great. Our vision includes seeing small businesses started and strengthened, as well as larger businesses encouraged to train and develop their teams holistically. The goal is for individuals and companies to be well equipped to do excellent work and leverage resources to make disciples who make a positive difference in their communities. This happens in many different ways, such as incubating new businesses, providing business and sustainable skills training, and collaborating with other organizations which do the same.
A trauma-informed discipleship and church planting strategy. Using the same 3/3rds discipleship pattern and discovery bible study method, the approach includes simple tools and healing activities that come together to build community, faith, and purpose. It has brought layers of healing to existing disciples and churches as well as been used to start new groups that have multiplied locally, regionally, and globally. Being able to walk alongside others who are hurting from past or present wounds, and equipping others to walk alongside people, strengths sustainability and depth of discipleship that multiplies.
The 1Body Education Assistance Ministry is a holistic program that cares for the academic, emotional, and spiritual needs of students in the University Mall area. Many students in this community arrived in the United States from another country and did not grow up going to school. These students are placed in their local high school based on their age despite numerous academic gaps. These students are then passed on to their senior year, but still cannot read, write, or do basic math. Oftentimes, these students get discouraged, drop out, and perpetuate a cycle of poverty and crime. These are the students we strive to reach. Students in our Education Assistance Ministry are able to fill their academic gaps, learn how to manage money, find emotional healing, and learn to walk in freedom in Christ. Our vision is to equip students with the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty and transform their community through the power of Jesus Christ.
Oftentimes, when we think about disciple-making, we focus on the spiritual elements and living out the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Sadly, when we only focus on the spiritual needs, and overlook the practical needs, we miss an important truth in Matthew 25:31-46. All throughout scripture, we see God’s heart for the least, the last, and the lost. As disciples, we try to obey God, not only by sharing spiritual truths, but also by meeting peoples’ physical needs, and using that as a connecting point to direct others to Jesus and the hope we have in Him.
On a practical level, there are various ways we connect with others through meeting needs in all areas of life. Not only do we do this as a church, but as others are blessed, people in the community begin to share with others. For example, every other week we pick up food from a local pantry & give it out to people on The Field. As we are doing this we point them to the Lord & share things we are grateful for. Neighbors find other neighbors who need food & bring it to them. We pray for them if they are looking for work, need a car, or furniture. We try to engage to see how we can help one another. Whenever we have extra food, we take it to the trailer park at the end of the road and give it to families in need. We have helped many neighbors with food & furniture when they move into or out of the neighborhood. Everyone has something to contribute. It is a great picture of a broken community becoming more beautiful, and for that, we praise the Lord!
Come and See
To learn more about how you can transform communities by making the presence of God’s love visible to a multicultural environment, “Get Connected” and come to an Orientation & Training.
Frequently Asked Questions
1Body Church is a church of churches that exists to launch and grow movements of multiplying disciples and churches who transform communities until the whole world knows.
Jesus. He has been given all authority (Matthew 28:18-20) and is the head of the Church (Colossians 1:18).
1 Body Church’s leadership team (elders) is a collection of seasoned ministry leaders with decades of practical, pastoral ministry and marketplace leadership. We practice a team approach to church leadership:
A diversity of gifts and personalities
Operating in mutual submission and interdependence with each other
Refusing a traditional hierarchical/corporate leadership structure
Striving for unity
Modeling the servant leadership of Christ
Living out the discipleship practices
We have disciples and churches in three counties of the Tampa Bay, FL area: Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Pasco.
We’re relationally connected all over the globe, though this site is focusing on disciple-makers in Tampa, FL. We’re in many nations and major cities across the US and Canada. If you would like to get connected to any practitioners of disciple-making and church planting movements near you, we can help.
We have multiple home churches in different locations around the Tampa Bay Area that meet on Sunday mornings and other days of the week. Contact us. We can also connect you to people in your own area if you are located outside of Tampa.
Yes. We are a church of churches that are decentralized who meet in homes, businesses and other places. These churches are connected at the city level as 1Body Church. Our focus is multiplying disciples and churches who come together as the church in their community to bring transformation.
Disciple-making is the intentional effort to equip someone to follow Jesus, obey his commands and actively disciple another person. We like to say that a disciple is a person who hears God’s voice, obeys his commands, and shares them with others.
A movement is a network of disciples and disciple-making simple churches that demonstrate generational growth rapidly and consistently. In terms of size/description, a typical movement encompasses 1,000+ disciples and/or 100+ churches
We understand your concerns, but its really quite simple: We believe Jesus and all that the Bible says he is. Since we’re not a corporate organization, there’s no building to point you toward as we meet in homes and other locations. Generally, we hold to the Lausanne Covenant in terms of our faith perspective.
1Body Church began in 2013 through one person’s decision to follow Christ’s command to go and make disciples. Lee Wood attended a MetaCamp discipleship training event led by missional strategist Curtis Sergeant. Lee and Stacy diligently put the training into practice, launching 63 groups in six months.
Soon it became apparent that Lee had gone about it all wrong. His personal exuberance and evangelistic gifts were insufficient to sustain the growth, and a different approach was required. Since 2015, 1Body Church has been transformed.
We have focused on pouring deeply into a few faithful people, preparing them to pour into others.
We have diversified our leadership so that it doesn’t flow through a single person.
We have been able to establish a disciple-making presence in one of the poorest areas of Tampa, Florida, which is leading to the transformation of an entire neighborhood.
We have had the privilege of pouring deeply into leaders who are reproducing disciple-making movements around the world, in Haiti, Dominican Republic, Africa and Thailand, among others.
We have seen 300+ simple churches started.
No. Our primary affiliation is with Jesus Christ. There are millions pursuing a multiplication of disciples and churches who transform communities nationally and globally. Contact us to get connected.
1Body has no formal membership process. It is relational before organizational. Those who are a part of our church have committed themselves as disciples who hear, obey, and share. Contact us.