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Connect, Communicate, and Collaborate with others in love and unity, locally, regionally, globally until the whole world knows. It starts with getting connected.
Discipleship Bookmark (Why? Who? How?, orality version)
This is the same content as the front page of the 1-pager, in the form of a bookmark without words. The WHY? WHO? HOW? Lesson is the foundational lesson for starting discipleship. It should be used for new believers when you lead them to faith to start them out on the right path to sharing their faith and discipling those they lead to faith. It should also be used with existing Christians to start them off on the path to sharing their faith and discipling others. The Why? Who? How? includes vision casting in the Why?, the RELATIONAL NETWORK LIST/MAP in the Who?, and the How? includes YOUR STORY and GOD’S STORY. The Start Track and its initial lessons should then be used after the Why? Who? How? method as believers are discipled, either individually or in churches following the 3/3 process, to teach them the foundational discipleship lessons.
The 3/3 MEETING FORMAT can be used with non-Christians [Discover Series, Hope Series, or Signs of John Series] or with fellow disciples [Discover Series, Start Track, Strengthen Series] as a way to encourage their progress in their spiritual journey. Have one church that is your continuing primary spiritual community. It can meet in your home or wherever you want to meet. At all times try to also be modeling for or assisting someone else on a temporary basis to help initiate a new church. This should be done where they choose to meet. New followers of Christ should be taken through the Start Track. The Start Track should also be used with existing Christians to begin to train them in disciple-making.
DMM 1-Page Flow Chart
A simple guide for where to focus my disciple-making efforts. To focus on getting your disciples active in making disciples and to capture names for prayer and coaching. The intent is for the mentor-disciple to fill this out with their disciples (model), then have the disciples do the same with their disciples (assist). It provides a way to coach their disciples on how to MAWL more effectively, as well as capture the names of disciples downstream to report on generational growth with any issues, patterns, challenges, celebrations, etc.
Volunteer Application
There are many opportunities to help out in our Community Transformation efforts. If you’d like to help out, please follow the link below: